Important changes to Postradamus
Here’s what we came up with for April Fool’s…
According to a study by Cisco Systems Inc, more than 84% of internet communication will be visual by 2018. In the social media world, this means Text and Link posts are on their way out (very soon!) and only Photo and Video posts will remain. For this reason (and in an effort to continue to innovate and stay ahead of competing social media tools) today I am excited to announce the removal of the ability to add/edit text for posts in your lists.
Starting today, any posts that you had already written text for, will now show as “This field is now deprecated…” and no text will be sent to Facebook (or other networks) when they get published. You will also not be able to add/edit text into the text field. On May 1st, we will remove the text field entirely.
We hope you are as excited as we are, as we prepare Postradamus for a world wide web that is more than 84% visual in less than a year. Soon we should expect to see a 100% visual web.